Forgive – Forget




Michael Kanan, President – CEO

“Leaders are the ones who run headfirst into the unknown. They rush toward danger. They put their own interests aside to protect us or pull us into the future. Leaders would sooner sacrifice what is theirs to save what is ours and they would never sacrifice what is ours to save what is theirs.”

Simon Sinek, Author – Motivational Speaker

That is what it means to be a leader. It means they choose to go first into danger, headfirst into the unknown. And when we feel sure they will keep us safe, we will march behind them and work tirelessly to see their visions come to life and proudly call ourselves their followers.”

Simon Sinek, Author – Motivational Speaker

“When it’s too hard for them, it’s just right for us.”

Marv Levy InaCOMP Quotes
Marv LevyFormer NFL Head Coach

“The hardest thing to get is perspective, to try to see the world through somebody else’s eyes.”

Michael Kanan, President – CEO